A Zoom meeting was held at 6.30pm on Saturday 3rd July, 2021.
Those present were: David Ullathorne (Zoom host), Mike Barnes, Jenny & Martin Garrad, Joerg Elswyk, (BCD President) Helen Robbins & Tony Barnes, Colin & Gail Stovell, Chris Platt, Ros Kind, Martin Johnson, Chris Reynolds, Chris Pearce, Stephen Taylor, Neil Mead, Andy & Jack England, Mark & Leah Simmons, Jerry Larthe de Langladure and Colin & Denise Metcalfe.
Apologies had been received from Brian Poole, Sandy & Paul Ranson, John Whitehead, David Davies, Kate Pegler, Matt Huckin, Graham Silverton, Angela Emuss, Louise Chicot & Geoff Lezemore.
There were no notes from last year as an AGM had not been held in 2020.
Martin G advised the meeting of proposals for changes to the Club Committee. Both Helen Robbins & Jerry Larthe de Langladure had decided to stand down after 7 years as committee members. Neil Mead was proposed by Martin G and seconded by Helen Robbins as new website manager. Sandy R, already a committee member, had volunteered to become club secretary. This change was proposed by Colin S and seconded by Colin M. Martin G then proposed Mark Simmons to join the committee in an admin role and this was seconded by Ros Kind. Thankfully Mike Barnes was willing to continue as Honorary Treasurer. Martin G is to continue as Membership Secretary.
2022 MEETING: Although Clive Marshall had been unable to join the Zoom meeting it was announced that he intended to resurrect the proposed 2020 meeting to Northumberland. Further information would become available.
Martin G told the meeting that several members had spoken about arranging regional day drives and that these would be encouraged. Martin could help by contacting nearby members & inviting them to join in. David Ullathorne had organised a very successful trip to Caffeine & Machine near Stratford in May, 14 cars had attended. Neil Mead has organised a group visit to Brands Hatch in August.
POSITION OF PRESIDENT: Mike Barnes announced that Sandy Ranson has proposed that Martin G be appointed as club president and this was seconded by Chris P. Martin G accepted the nomination and promised not to let the accolade go to his head! His wife, Jenny, assured everyone that she would make sure it didn’t! Joerg E congratulated Martin on the appointment and said he trusted that the excellent relations between Barchetta Club Deutschland and the UK Club would continue. The friendship had been much encouraged by the international meeting in 2019 held in Suffolk. Martin G thanked Joerg for all the encouragement he had provided over the years.
200 CLUB DRAW: Mike had gained the assistance of his neighbour Christopher to pull the “lucky” numbers for the 200 Club draw. There were five prizes totalling £1091.
First prize (Ticket 36) was £364. Won by Peter White
Second prize (Ticket 74) was £291 Won by Martin Johnson
Third prize (ticket 26) was £218 Won by Ian Menneer
Fourth prize (Ticket 39) was £145 and Won by David Davies
Prize number 5 (ticket 25) was £72 Won by John Wright
Mike B thanked Colin S & Colin M for acting as scrutineers in accordance with the small lottery regulations.
TREASURER’S REPORT Mike told us that a year ago the account funds stood at £5500. Today we have just under £7000 in our account. The ongoing cost of our website is £80 to £90 per annum. Chris Knott insurance brokers still provides some funding through a proportion of commission when members take out insurance. In the past this amounted to about £700 per annum but is now closer to £200. Mike urged people to consider insuring through Chris Knott and said he intended arranging for new publicity on our website. The 200 Club was proving to be our main source of income.
Martin G thanked Mike for his report and offered particular praise for his efforts with the 200 Club which has proven to be such a huge success.
AOB : Martin mentioned the issue of E5 fuel being largely replaced by E10 fuel from September. Unfortunately E10 fuel is unsuitable for Barchetta cars. Chris Platt, with some inside knowledge, felt it unlikely that oil companies would maintain supplies of both fuels for the long term. Joerg advised us that in Germany, at present, both fuels are available. Chris Pearce quoted from the Govt. Website confirming that E10 fuel is not suitable for FIAT Barchettas. Some members intend to stay with or change to the high octane alternatives such as Shell V Power. It was agreed that we would monitor the situation and offer advice to members as the situation progresses.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.15pm
Martin Garrad
Thank you to the committee both past & present and congratulations to Martin for his new role as President. Ww look forward to future meetings as life slowly gets back to some sort of normal. Kate & Martin x
Yes Kate & Martin, looking forward to seeing you all at Barchetta meetings soon!
Well done Martin and huge thanks for all you continue to do for the club.