Barchetta facts and figures


Many thanks to club member Chris Reynolds who has collated the Barchetta facts and figures below.

On this page we’ve pulled together a few statistics about the Barchetta. The data is gathered from V84 of the Fiat ePer system and so is only as accurate as that.

There is an excellent German website with a huge amount of information about the Barchetta. You can find it here or if you’d like a translated version here.

According to ePer there were 57,625 Barchettas produced over the ten years of production.

Production by year

Production yearCars built% of total production

Production by model

ModelProduction datesCars produced
CF226/01/1995 -> 28/09/200040,331
CF2 – GIAPPONE06/11/1995 -> 29/09/20001,596
CF2 SS.CLUB ITALIA18/10/1996 -> 13/12/19966
CF2 SS.LIMITED EDITION12/11/1997 -> 29/07/19982,507
CF2 SS.LIMITED EDITION 9903/02/1999 -> 03/02/20001,890
CF2 SS.LIMITED EDITION ’99 – GIAPPONE23/04/1999 -> 24/01/2000113
CF2 SS.RIVIERA31/05/1999 -> 29/09/20001,292
CF2 SS.LIDO07/06/1999 -> 29/09/20002,466
CF2 SS.WEB23/09/1999 -> 03/03/20005
CF2 SS.RIVIERA PER MERCATO GERMANIA07/01/2000 -> 24/10/2000833
CF318/09/2000 -> 19/05/2003794
CF3 SS.RIVIERA PER MERCATO GERMANIA13/10/2000 -> 19/05/2003677
CF3 SS.LIDO30/10/2000 -> 19/05/2003767
CF3 SS.RIVIERA30/10/2000 -> 28/04/2003421
CF3 – GIAPPONE15/02/2001 -> 24/05/200261
CF3 SS.”NAXOS”02/05/2001 -> 19/05/20031,967
CF3 “COMFORT” MY.2003113/02/2003 -> 27/05/2005287
CF3 “PLUG-IN” MY.200323/05/2003 -> 29/06/20051,129
CF3 “BASE” MY.200323/05/2003 -> 16/11/2005483
Total 57,625
1 – I’m sceptical about the start date for the Comfort. There is just a single car marked as being produced in February 2003 with all the rest being post June 2003.

Models marked CF2 have the 183A1 engine, while the CF3 models have the 188A6 engine. The MY.2003 indicates Model Year 2003 when the front spoiler and rear bumper were revised.

The Giappone is the model produced for the Japanese market and those marked as ‘PER MERCATO GERMANIA’ were produced for the German market.

The Club Italia was a very limited run made for an exclusive Italian car owners club. Readers who enjoy flowery prose can read all about this special edition on the Club Italia website.

A timeline showing how models came and went over time. It splits nicely into three eras starting with the original model, then the change of engine and finally the models produced after the closure of Maggiora. The odd start date for the “Comfort” shows up here nicely.


As noted on the ePer page there were a number of modifications made to the Barchetta over its life. For fun I’ve pulled out a list of the modifications that affected the most number of parts.

ModificationDateChassis No.Parts affected
3145 – New motorization step A15/05/199837640160
6463 – MY 200315/04/2003142
4354 – New ECE F3 engine type15/09/2000120
3253 – New A.B.S. sensors15/05/19994331971
6528 – Adaptation to standard 2000/53/CE115/05/200364
2234 – New braking system with 5.3 ABS gearcase15/03/19972679952
4430 – Third stop adopted15/05/200039
2168 – New axle shaft with homokinetic ring joint in “hytrel”15/06/19962089736
4350 – New gearbox with pre-synchronisation plug for 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 4th gear30/03/2000?4807632
3379 – New Clarion car radio set in substitution for the current Grundig215/10/19984008124
1 – EU directive 2000/53 addresses the end of life for automotive products. See
2 – Modification 3379 is a bit of a hoax here, it only affected so many parts as the manuals in each language had to be updated.

Which model do I have?

The German lexicon site allows you to search by chassis number or VIN to get ePer’s opinion as to what model you have. Our site doesn’t allow us to offer this facility so you can either head over there or look into this spreadsheet which should list all chassis numbers.

You can also order a Certificate of Origin for your Barchetta from FCA Heritage costing €70 by clicking here.

Technical notes

The data for this page has been pulled from V84 of ePer. ePer contains a single file listing chassis information across all models of Fiat, Alfa and Lancia cars. The data is sparse (it contains interior colour but not exterior) and may contain minor errors. For instance there are 16 Barchettas that appear twice in the list (based on chassis number). There is a file containing richer information but Barchettas don’t appear in that list, I haven’t looked but it may be for newer models where more data is recorded.

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