Buy and Sell

Members’ Marketplace

Looking for a Fiat Barchetta or parts? Or do you have a car or parts to sell?

Below you will find a selection of items for sale and wanted by our club members.

Advertisements on our website are free of charge for club members. Please email or use the Contact page to inform us that you are looking to place an advert. We will reply with full details of what is required and the necessary format for your pictures so that we can place the best advert for you.

Also if you are looking for a particular part then we can also place a ‘wanted’ advert for you, however please note that the club does not hold any parts in storage.

Any advertisement will be removed after approximately 3 months and will need to be resubmitted if you wish to continue advertising.

Barchetta alloy wheel centre cap wanted

If anybody has one of the centre caps pictured below available could they please contact Paul on

3rd June 2024

Cars for sale

Please click on the photo of each car below to view the advert in full