Notes of the Barchetta UK Owner’s club AGM held at Beamish Hall Hotel on Monday 16th May 2022 at 6.30 pm
Nick Abbott & Judith Copeland, Steve & Jenny Auty, Mike & Cathy Barnes, David & Helen Brenchley, Jenny & Martin Garrad, Ian & Bernadette Hennen, Richard & Karen Hutchinson, Martin Johnson & Felicity Johnson, Clive & Louise Marshall, Colin & Denise Metcalfe, David & Tomoko Ming, Chris & Dorothy Pearce, Paul & Sandy Ranson, Chris Rocker & Timothy Rocker, Helen Robbins & Tony Barnes, Barbara & Terry Sayers, Graham & Mary Singleton, Dave and Sue Skelding, Steve & Carol Skelly, Colin & Gail Stovell, Eric Trump, David & Noelle Ullathorne , Ross Williams, Lawrence Wright & Verity Lovelock (46)
Apologies: Rodney Graham, Matthew Huckin, Chris Reynolds, Ros Kind, Neil Mead, Mark Simmons, John Whitehead (7)
1. Election of Officers
The current committee of five had agreed to stand again for the forthcoming year. There were no further nominations received and the following were re-elected unopposed:
Mike Barnes (Treasurer), Martin Garrad (membership), Neil Mead (website),
Sandy Ranson (secretary), Mark Simmons (membership / admin)
2. Notes of the AGM held 03/07/21
These were agreed as accurate, by those present, who had joined the AGM via ZOOM last year.
3. President’s Report
Martin delivered what he termed, his ‘pride speech’ and listed a number of reasons to be proud of our UK Barchetta Owners’ Club. We now have 226 members and an active committee. Each committee member was mentioned in turn and thanked for their efforts in keeping the club running smoothly. The website developments have been particularly heartening and there were special thanks for member Richard O’Dwyer, for setting up the new website and for Chris Reynolds for transforming the workshop pages. In 2021, the website received just under 10,000 views from well over 3000 individuals, including from France, Spain and the USA. The most popular pages were the buy & sell page, the calendar, the workshop pages and the trusted garages’ page.
Thanks were expressed to Neil Mead for continuing to run the website so efficiently and to treasurer Mike Barnes for managing the finances and ensuring the club stays in the black. With the easing of Covid restrictions, the club is very grateful to those members who have organised local day drives and events – David Ullathorne for the Caffeine & Machine trip, Neil Mead for organising club representation at the Brands Hatch and Brooklands Auto Italia days and Brian Poole for the Three Shires tour and the recent drive around Great Orme in North Wales.
On a very sad note, Martin reported that seven club members had been able to attend the recent funeral of member David Davies Those present at the International meeting in 2019 were reminded how David and Kim had impressed everyone with their Victorian style bathing suits – little did anyone know he would so quickly succumb to the cruel disease that took him earlier this year.
Finally, Martin thanked Clive and Louise Marshall for their hard work in arranging this year’s residential trip and to everyone present for supporting the club by attending.
4. Treasurer’s Report.
Due to the lock-down and temporary suspension of club activities, three years of club accounts were discussed. Mike explained that other than the fixed costs incurred for the lottery licence (£20) and the website (£100) little other money had been spent. The two main sources of club income derive from the commission from Chris Knott Insurance (from a previous ‘high’ of £700-£1000 pa, this has dwindled to around £250 pa). and from the 200 Club. It was suggested that the club revisit the rate of commission from Chris Knott – Mike agreed to look into this. The club calendar initiative is not run as a profit-making exercise and breaks even on costs.
The 200 Club provides most of the club’s income with approximately one third of members currently subscribing. The annual draw for 2022 will take place in June (once subscriptions have been received).
The club had been able to sponsor the current Northumberland trip by covering the cost of some venue entry tickets, paying for lunch on the final day and by supplying wine for two evening meals. The club had also provided some financial assistance to mitigate the costs of the recent Great Orme day trip.
5. AOB
One member raised the issue of charging a club membership fee and there followed a general discussion about the relative merits / disadvantages of becoming a ‘membership subscription’ only club. Views were expressed both for and against however it was noted that the UK Barchetta Facebook group is an active ‘alternative’ that is not charged for. It would also be difficult to restrict former or ‘non-paying’ members’ access to the website. At the moment, the club’s finances are relatively healthy and the 200 club covers our costs. If more members were encouraged to subscribe, this would enable us to subsidise club trips and outings to a greater extent.
Steve Auty put forward a proposal that the club should make an annual award for the Best Presented Car, in memory of David Davies. This could be done at the main residential trip each year. This suggestion received unanimous support from all those present. Martin agreed to discuss the proposal with Kim Davies, in the hope of securing her agreement.
Suggestions for 2023 – some ideas were floated for potential residential trips for next year. Suggestions included Dorset, Kent and the south Cotswolds – proposals will be worked up and the future looks bright!
There being no further AOB, Martin closed the meeting.
Sandy Ranson / Club Secretary 25/05/22
Well done to the Committee & thank you for all that you do. I am grateful to be a member, being as I live in France! I agree that the 200 Club should be supported by more members & will encourage anyone I meet to do so.
Best wishes for a great season. Kate
Thank you Kate. Still hoping that at a convenient time going forward, we can join you in France for the Somme Battlefields trip .
No pressure! But maybe something to put in our forward plan.